Primer: Why Trademark Protection is Important for Venture Capital Firms
We’re a VC firm – we don’t sell consumer products – why do we need to care about trademarks? For any business, one’s good name is one of its most essential assets. That is especially true in venture capital, where, according to a 2004 study[1], firms with high reputations are […]

Primer: Selecting the Domicile for your Venture Capital Fund
We are often asked, by both new and established managers, “where should I form my next venture capital fund”? We will hold the short list for purposes of this article at the discussion of Delaware versus Cayman, those being far and away the most prominent places for venture capital funds […]

Q1 + April 2020 Quarterly VC Update: Tip of the Iceberg?
With the onset of the COVID-19 crisis in March, we decided to include April data in our first 2020 report to better illustrate any early indicators of effects of the pandemic on the financing environment. Additionally, we have broken out specific statistics by month and industry (technology/life sciences/other) to offer […]

Employment Issues for U.S. Venture Capital Firms to Consider as They Prepare to Return to the Office
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, most U.S. venture capital firms have been subject to federal, state or local directives to “shelter in place” since March. Thanks to the nature of the venture capital business, most firms were likely able to convert the bulk of their employees to a remote working […]

Initial Observations Regarding COVID-19’s Impact on Venture Capital Fund Raising
As much of the world shelters in place, nearly every client conversation we have with our venture capital fund clients comes around to some version of the questions “what are you seeing” and “will all of this impact our fund raising plans”. We acknowledge the lack of clarity, at present, […]

SEC Relaxes Conditions of Form ADV Filing Extension
In response to the developing COVID-19 situation, on March 25, 2020 the SEC issued a new order to relax certain conditions contained in a previous order issued March 13, 2020 applicable to Exempt Reporting Advisers (“ERAs”) and Registered Investment Advisers (“RIAs”) who need more time to file annual amendments to […]

SEC Extension of FORM ADV Amendment Deadline
In response to the coronavirus disease COVID 19, the SEC has provided a conditional extension of the March 30, 2020 deadline for annual amendments to Form ADV. The extension applies to both Exempt Reporting Advisers (“ERAs”) and Registered Investment Advisers (“RIAs”). RIAs’ brochure delivery and updating deadlines have also been […]

Q4 2019 Quarterly VC Update: Nisa Leung on the State of Venture Capital Investing
In conjunction with our Q4 Venture Financing Report, I sat down with Nisa Leung from Qiming Venture Partners to get her take on the state of venture capital investing. It is worth acknowledging that at the time of drafting the interview questions, coronavirus was just beginning to appear in China. By the time […]